52 Spartan Quotes About the Powerful Ancient Greek Soldiers
Sparta, the warrior society of ancient Greece, reached the pinnacle of its power after defeating its rivals from Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). The Spartan culture revolved around three core values: discipline, obedience, and courage. They placed these virtues above all else, as you can see in these Spartan quotes. Molon Labe is a Greek catchphrase associated with the Spartans and has been used by several gun rights groups. It means “Come and take them,” and was the response by King Leonidas when the enemy demanded his soldiers lay down their weapons. The Spartans have been the inspiration for several Hollywood movies, including the movie 300. Gerard Butler and Lena Headey star as King Leonidas and Queen Gorgo. Many of these Spartan quotes from the movie 300 are rooted in historically accurate quotes, while others make for great cinematic moments. Don’t forget to also check out these warrior quotes on having an unbeatable mind. Famous Spartan warrior quotes from King...